Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ground Floor Opportunity with GeneWize Life Sciences

I recently joined an innovative company that has been in the news. The name of the company is GeneWize Life Sciences, a subsidiary of Gene Link, a 14 year old publicly traded company. The GeneWize LifeMap Nutrition™ System is the first scientifically supported nutritional supplement program that utilizes YOUR DNA to create a custom nutritional supplement formula that contains the nutrients your body really needs. The LifeMap nutrition is formulated just for you based on an analysis of your specific DNA.

Here's What Healthcare Professionals and the Media are Saying....

"…A tremendous advancement in nutritional sciences"

" If there is such a thing as High-Def nutrition, this is it.”"…Look out folks, there's a new player in town...with real science"

“ There is a major buzz around nutritional genomics…a sea change is underway.”

“…Good News in our DNA: Defects You Can Fix With Vitamins and Minerals."

After hearing the Fox News report on scientific studies showing that customized nutritional supplements can fix DNA flaws, I jumped aboard this opportunity. GeneWize is attracting some of the leading internet marketers in the field, and you will have the opportunity to work with 6 and 7 figure earners in the growing health and wellness industry.

For more information visit my website at:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Importance of Your "Why"

One of the first things that the leaders of the company that I represent tell new Independent Business Owners to do is to write out their “Why? What are their reasons for wanting to go through the trials and tribulations of starting a home based business.

Starting a brand new business can be difficult and even frustrating. In order to stay focused through all of the difficulties of getting a new business off the ground floor, you need to understand why you chose to go into this new business in the first place. Any new business will fail if your “why” or reason for going into this business is not that strong. Having a strong purpose for your business will give you the drive and determination that you need to be successful.

As an exercise, find a quiet place and take out a pen and a notebook. Write out your main reason for wanting to start your new business. What do you want to accomplish with this new business? Who will be your customers? How will this product or service help or benefit them? How will you and your family benefit from this business?

After you write out your primary reason for starting your new business, write 3 or more additional ways that you will benefit by having started this new venture. Type or write out this reason and review it from time to time. Even post your “Why” where you can see it every day. If your “why” is strong enough, you will have the necessary resiliency to succeed.

Here are some reasons why many people start their own homebased business:

  1. The ability to spend more time with children and family members. For many people this is reason number 1.

  2. Earn additional income to help with family expenses.

  3. Replace a full time job that is no longer satisfying.

  4. The ability to have true financial freedom, to work when you want to work, to be able to travel and see the world, own your dream home, not have to worry about paying the bills or mortgage, send your children to the college of their choice, etc.

  5. The challenge of being your own boss. Being able to run the business the way you think it ought to be run. Following your own time table. The ability to be creative and appreciated.

  6. Not having to face the rush hour or work that 9 to 5 routine. As a New Yorker, I certainly don’t miss the railroad or the subways, and driving into Manhattan can be a nightmare.

  7. While there are some great forward thinking and considerate bosses out there, in some cases people have had to put up with verbally abusive bosses and even sexual harassment. When you start your own business, this is a thing of the past.

  8. The ability to bring needed goods and services to others. For example, as a Senior Regional Sales Director for AmeriPlan, I have the satisfaction of knowing that I am bringing affordable dental and medical benefits to people that truly need them. I market these dental and medical benefits through my website:

    For some ideas for starting your own home based businesses see my website at: and read some of the other posts in this blog.